The Rouch Family – Zambia, Africa

Charles and Maria

As 2023 nears the end, and we reflect back, we are reminded of so much God has done! We are thankful for the blessings but also for the challenges which strengthen us for the coming year(s) ahead! We are excited for the Gospel in 2024! Thank you for your prayers…Maria’s younger sister Mona went home to be with the Lord in Nov. after a year long bout with ovarian cancer. Please continue to pray for her husband Sam and 4 children, as well as Maria and the family.

Maria and I are quite busy here in sunny warm Africa. We love the Lord, life, each other, and the work here with our people! It is monsoon rainy season once again in Zambia but we are experiencing some beautiful days to still get into the bush for ministry. We are both in good health and praising the Lord for the work He continues here, allowing us and you (our co-laborers), the privilege to be part of it!

“Into All The World” … it is a wonderful blessing to see God’s continuing plan in Zambians lives! Multiplication in salvations, baptisms, discipleship, Timothy raising, and church planting! It’s a “package.” Not one point can be left out and have the whole package! What the Lord began over 30 years ago in the 1st. convert…1st. church, 1st. “Timothy,” 1st. Bible Institute…God has multiplied into other Provinces, other African countries, and now other continents, including South America and the Middle East.


Encounter Ministry – Pastor Bwalya (one of our earliest Timothy’s and B.I. students) and his wife, Rose, have a 19 year old ministry to troubled Youth. They asked us to participate in their annual camp where I preached the finale. 45 Youth and one 64 year old man accepted Christ on the 17th of December! (they hired him for the week to roast a pig at the camp).

Radio Ministry – A powerful way to spread the Gospel into villages that we will never see. Maria has done radio broadcast for several years dealing with family/cultural issues. We have been approached by the radio station about doing a weekly broadcast together. Radio is not my comfort zone, for sure. However, this open door presents an opportunity for the Gospel that cannot be avoided. Please pray with us about this decision.

Pastor/Wife Christmas Fellowship – Many of the Pastors and their wife came to the Mission Compound to enjoy food and fellowship, and receive some small gifts. Maria made each couple a Christmas cake to take home! To those of you who sent us Christmas, we have shared some of it with these faithful servants of the Lord…what a joy! Thank you so very much!

Building Project – New tEstament Baptist, Kasalya Village. One of our oldest, furthest, most difficult to reach, and definitely the poorest of the churches. Their footing, foundation, and floor are poured. They have made/burned their bricks for the walls. We are asking our co-laborers to pray about helping with the roof and a few bags of cement. $3,500 will let us complete roof and a few small items (door, etc.) History: We started NTBC 27 years ago. It was the “on the job” training ground for almost every “early-on” Preacher in Training (the “PIT’s”) with the ministry. they built all of their 1st. building, which blew away from an unusual high wind a few years ago.

Thank you for your faithful PRAYERS and SUPPORT! MERRY CHRISTMAS! GOD BLESS YOU!

If you would like to stay updated with the Rouch family or feel led to give to help them on their journey, you can give your donations to Hickory Ridge Baptist Church.